
Sample Quiz

This is a sample assessment. It has questions from the numerical, language and logical reasoning categories.


Two squads A and B of soldiers, moving towards East and West respectively, received the following commands-Left Turn, Left Turn, Left Turn, Right Turn, Left Turn. Which he reached he was facing North. In which direction is his office from home?

The sum of two numbers is 135 and their HCF is 9. How many such pairs of numbers can be formed?

In a certain code language, 1. pod na joc means very bright boy; 2. tam nu pod means the boy comes; 3. nu per ton means keep the doll; 4. Joc ton su means very good doll. Which of the following means "good" in that language?

Since 2012, there has been a 16% increase in the economic impact of violence largely due to the ----------------------- in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

The mean of all 4-digit even natural numbers of the form ‘aabb’, where a > 0 is

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